Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Adam's education story

My education was pretty standard: regular public school, standard junior high, and boilerplate high school. I think I was an abnormal student though. For one, I always cared. In elementary, I loved learning. All subjects too. I thought it was fun.

Same for Junior High. I’ll give credit to some good teachers along the way, but I self-motivated. To the point where I knew what I wanted to be in 7th or 8th grade.

Things changed a bit in high school. I still did well. I was still motivated, but I was exposed to a wider selection of classes. It was here I was exposed to AP writing, and the more artsy classes. It was here that I really learned I was still creative. I loved the daily creative outlet. And I thought I was ready for high school after all the advanced classes I took. This was not the case.

College was an entirely different ballgame. My high school success did not translate into good grades at the next level. Turned out, my work ethic from high school was terrible. I eased into it, but my first semesters murdered my GPA.

Since the student body at my college rivaled most small towns, I became more of a barcode than a human. My 101 classes often had class numbers pushing 700. And I did not do well. I hated the classes. The tests were obscure and ambiguous. I had to find a better way.

Eventually I stumbled across some writing classes: Creative Writing and Introduction to Advertising. Suddenly my college career blossomed. I started enjoying school. I had a 4.0 semester. I had direction… no thanks to my advisers or any teachers I ever had.

I really wanted to get in the creative track of the advertising program. But the previous semester’s failings basically denied me any chance of getting into the program. I didn’t understand how a creative program factored academics heavily. And there was no room to develop: if you didn’t demonstrate your skills in the application process, you didn’t have a chance.

And I didn’t.

So I studied communication theory (boring) and took as many creative writing classes as I could.

I graduated from a good school, but my degree was pretty much useless. I still needed more from my education.

I serendipitously found Portfolio Center. And, for the most part, the school filled my educational void. The school finds a seed of potential. Actually the entrance requirements aren’t strict at all. The program weeds out those who don’t belong.

I’ve finally hit my stride as far as education goes. I’ve worked my ass off, but I’ve finally found what I want to be when I grow up. It’s been a long and winding road, but a good journey anyways.

Go straight to art school. Skip the college bullshit.

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